Frequently Asked Questions
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?1The Governor of Idaho is the Chief Executive Officer of the state and does not have the power to unilaterally create law in Idaho. However, he is the leader of the state and can set the course for the agenda he wants to accomplish.
When the citizens of Idaho elect me with a clear mandate to be the Governor of Idaho, this will give the legislature the needed pressure to see to it that the Governor's agenda is enacted legislatively.
As Governor, I will encourage and inspire the legislators to Keep Idaho IDAHO, and likewise will encourage and inspire the citizens to hold their legislators accountable so that they support the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan with their legislative votes.
Q. How can Ammon legally stop abortion in Idaho? Isn't that an issue for the federal government?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?2I can issue an executive order in the state of Idaho and it will have the full force of law in the state. However, it will undoubtedely be challenged and could ultimately make it to the Supreme Court.
It is possible that the Supreme Court could uphold the legality of the Executive Order, regardless of Roe v. Wade.
It is likewise possible that they could reject the executive order causing a readjustment. In any event, I will ensure that we continue to fight to eliminate the scourge and moral stain of abortion in Idaho and I will use every legal and possible means necessary. I will fight to defend the unborn in Idaho and am willing to withstand the pressure, scrutiny, and inevitable media slime that will be directed my way.
Q. Is it true that Ammon has experience in technology and business?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?3Many people are unaware that before being thrust into the spotlight in 2014 at the so called "Battle of Bunkerville" in Nevada, I was a successful businessman. And even after those events I continued as an entrepreneur.
I have been fortunate to grow and build two multi-million dollar companies from scratch, and am proud and thankful for the experience I gained. In fact, my second company was a technology business that developed the most effective management software for Fleet Management Services, and is still the most widely used software of its kind in the industry.
So yes, I have decades of experience in Corporate leadership, entrepreneurship, and technology.
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?4The right to fish, camp, hunt and be out on Idaho public land is an established right of each person living in Idaho. In fact, did you know that the Idaho Constitution protects the rights for individuals to hunt, fish, and trap? Yes it does. The Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan strengthens the rights of Idahoans to use and enjoy the land and ensures that the State protects that right.
Q. How will public land be made available to the people under the Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?5First, It is important to recognize that there are many existing rights already established on public land, rights such as mineral rights, grazing rights, and timber rights. The state's duty is to assist the owners of these rights in securing them. Therefore, the State will create a registry so an owner can deed their right with the State (if not already deeded). The State will then begin to defend these rights just like all other property rights. This registry will also be used to deed new usage rights on Idaho public land.
Second, the State will designate all land in Idaho as public or private.
- Public land will be made available to the people by implementing multiple use doctrine, which includes the State protecting the right of all Idahoans to hunt, fish, camp, and access the land to enjoy.
- Designated private land will be made available for people to purchase through a process that will prevent a person (including corporations) from buying up multiple sections.
- Funds generated from Idaho land will be designated for infrastructure (roads, schools, utilities) primarily appropriated by the counties.
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?6I do not believe the government should be in the education business at all. However, the practicality of that, we are far from. Therefore, I believe that parents who want to educate their children without interference from the government should be protected and not regulated. The public funds that are going to education should follow the child and the parents decide where that money goes. This would create a more free market education system, bring accountability to schools, and create a much better education system than we now have.
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?7I do not believe in state licensing because it only empowers the state agencies and not the people. Somebody may say that we need licensing to protect us. This is a fallacy. It only creates more government to harm us, to control us, and to extract our hard earned money from us.
Our system of government already properly provides a way for us to get remedy if somebody performs inferior work or service. For example, if someone does electrical work on my home and that work is inferior and causes my home to catch on fire, I can hold that person accountable in the courts. Through due process that person will be required by law to restore the damages to my home.
So, why do we need state licensing? It does not protect us, it does not make things better for us and it destroys the balance of a free market. The only state licensing that would be constitutional is the State requiring itself to be licensed. Each person has a right to freely trade with each other without needing permission from the government.
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?8Building codes coming from county government are no different than licensing coming from the state. My position is very similar. So, I will let my statement above stand as it applies to building codes.
To ensure high quality homes are built is easily done by private inspection and certification that would be promoted when the home is sold. Homes would go for more money if they are certified. Now, I do believe there is some legitimacy to zoning because it promotes the protection of a person's property rights and establishes an agreement or understanding between property owners. However, the agreement should be made by the property owners and not by the county or state and it should be recorded by the county.
Q. How would Ammon have handled the COVID crisis if he were the Governor?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?9Please see my article and video about HOW COVID SHOULD HAVE BEEN HANDLED.
Q. What are 10 things I may not know about Ammon Bundy?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?10That's a great question. Click here to learn 10 Things You May Not Know About Ammon Bundy.
Q. I have heard you don't like Trump. Is this true and if so why?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?11Trump did much good and I look forward to meeting him someday. However, I do not like the way Trump handled COVID; releasing over $2 trillion to the States to pay for the COVID lies. He also pushed the development of the very unsafe COVID shots. I recognize that Trump did many good things and honor him for that. But, he just got off track when it came to COVID and a few other things.
Q. Won't Ammon just split the conservative vote in the General election by running as an independent?
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?12First, candidates don't split a vote - voters that are not united do.
Second, if the correct definition of "conservative" is understood... the answer is still 'No'.
Since Brad Little is the Republican nominee, then the choice is easy. You can vote for Ammon, or one of the other two Democrats on the ballot. Don't be so afraid of a Democrat candidate that you give up your freedoms and vote for a Republican that acts just like a Democrat (only worse, since the "R" by his name makes you think he is not something he really is).
Support and vote for the only candidate that will use the resources of the state government to stand up for your liberty, and defend your rights: Ammon Bundy.
Q. I though you were a felon?! I don't vote for felons.
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?13I have never been convicted of any federal charges, or any felony. I was arrested for helping my father and other ranchers and spent two years in federal prison and was finally acquitted in two major federal trials. My father, brothers and I were innocent men. Held in federal prisons for two years, including solitary confinement. The government agent involved, including the FBI, were severely reprimanded by the federal chief judge for gross prosecutorial misconduct. The judge called our case a "miscarriage of justice."
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?14You heard wrong. I love and respect all people. But that doesn't mean I have to love and respect what they do, or believe the same as they do. Those that practice homosexuality have rights. And, guess what? Their rights are exactly the same as everyone else. They have the right to their life, liberty and property. But, what they do not have the right to is children since they have naturally forfeited that right by how they choose to use their body. Nor do they have a right to raise anyone else's children, and they should not be influencing other people's children to behave in a manner contrary to the nature and proper use of their own bodies.
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votebundy.com/about/faq/?15Employment is not a right it is a privilege. A business is private property of a person or many people. A a job is not a right it is a privilege. No person was physically forced to get the vaccine or wear mask in Idaho. Many choose to keep their job and get the vaccine or wear mask, but that was their choice. I don’t like that business owners required masks or vaccines but it is their right because it is their business and the business is their private property. Any other way you look at it is socialism and socialism will destroy our nation.
Compare your theory to your own private property. Can you require someone to wear a mask if they want to come into your home? Yes! Can you require someone to be vaccinated if they wish to come onto your property? Yes! Can you force them to wear a mask or get vaccinated if they remain on your property after being instructed to leave? No! But you can force them to leave your home and property. Private businesses are the same because they are private property. Therefore, the business owner(s) CAN require an employee to wear a mask or get vaccinated OR leave. Anything more or less than this is socialism.

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