Lies and Smears about Ammon Bundy
The most common lies and smears you will hear about me are completely invalidated and dealt with below.
Click on a Lie below to expand and read the Truth, or expand them all.
LIE: Ammon Bundy supports Black Lives Matter.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-bundy-supports-black-lives-matterI do not support the Black Lives Matter movement. I never have and I never will. Everything the Black Lives Matter movement stands for is antithetical to my own beliefs and my own faith. For anyone to claim such an absurdity is to tell a lie.
Anyone who has said that I support Black Lives Matter is simply lying.
So for those who have fallen for this outrageous lie, ask yourself these questions:
- Who organized groups in Northern Idaho and Boise to stand guard at businesses when BLM were protesting?
- Who stood with the people in Emmett when BLM assembled and threatened to tear down the blue line flags on private property?
- Who took very public action over the last several years fighting against anti-constitutional actions and immoral socialist policies and tyranny?
This all stems from gullible people falling for the same FALSE DICHOTOMIES that the media pushes so well. Please stop falling for it. This false dichotomy is that you either support something or you hate something. Either you support all cops or you hate all cops. Either you support all black people or you’re a racist.
In my case, as a Patriot, a known lover and defender of freedom, the Constitution, and the Biblical principles of liberty upon which our country was founded, I decided to attend a rally which was being held to denounce abuse by police officers.
First of all, this does not mean I hate police. But yes, it does mean I am against ABUSIVE police. Who would be in favor of abusive police?
Likewise if I attended a rally protesting child abuse, that would not mean that I hate PARENTS and oppose parenthood! So please don’t fall for the false dichotomy pushed on you by the lying propaganda machine which says that if anybody points out abuse in the military or law enforcement that they therefore HATE cops and veterans. It is complete nonsense. You are smarter than that.
Black Lives Matter is a known marxist organization whose principles are evil, wicked, and morally reprehensible. That is my position about the organization and its stated motives. That being said, however, not every person who attends a rally where Black Lives Matter is present, is likewise a Marxist. A huge number of them are simply uninformed, confused, and being led astray. And as long as we stay separate and divided, and allow the media to control us—we will never find a resolution to our cultural issues.
I recognized the issue of POLICE ABUSE as a common denominator that could be used to bring us together. I personally, have been seriously abused by police officers. I have friends who are hispanic, Native American, black, and white who have all been abused by police officers. This is a people issue and not a race issue. It could have been the perfect issue to bring people together and to stand for what is right, and to find unity with people on the other side who are being misled. And it could have been the issue we used to start winning them over to our side.
It is a fact that conservative principles commonly win people over—when they are pronounced by people who the other side respects. Contrariwise, liberals and democrats rarely "win" over conservatives, because conservatives are generally better informed. The point is that we need to win these people over and to do so we have to find common ground.
I therefore decided to attend a rally protesting police abuse. Like I said, I can’t imagine anybody in favor of police abuse. If so, I definitely believe you have problems. Remember, you can be PRO POLICE while simultaneously being against POLICE ABUSE. In fact, I don’t know how you can be pro police without simultaneously being against police abuse.
So I publicized that I would attend the rally, though I never ultimately attended. Black Lives Matter was also there. This then turned into the ridiculous lie that "Ammon Bundy supports Black Lives Matter." Tom Luna, the head of the Republican Party even went so far as to tell this outright lie that "Ammon Bundy has known alliances with the radical factions of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement."
That is a lie. Tom Luna lied. And everyone who repeats this lie is a liar. So Tom, if I have known alliances with the radical factions of the BLM movement, please tell us who they are. Name them. Otherwise, stop lying.
For additional clarification, you can read the article that I posted on my Facebook page after the police abuse rally took place in Idaho in October 2020. (Oops, sorry... Facebook has since deleted my entire account along with this post.)
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LIE: Ammon Bundy wants to defund the police.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-bundy-wants-to-defund-the-policeI do not support defunding the police, if by "defunding the police" you take that to mean abolishing the police. But I admit that I have used that term before because to me, at the time, "defunding the police" simply meant reducing the amount of money spent on law enforcement. And in doing so, reducing their ability and potential to abuse their power.
Because even though I recognize law enforcement as a lawful and needful part of society, and the existence of law enforcement as a proper role for government, we must have the courage and honesty to recognize that law enforcement itself has become bloated, wasteful, abusive, and in many cases totally corrupt.
So, while I am 100% in favor of law enforcement in general, and I wholeheartedly support the lawful existence of righteous police officers executing their duties under the authority of law and with the fear of God, I do recognize and believe that, in Idaho specifically, our law enforcement has become bloated, wasteful, and corrupt. I have experienced it firsthand, and the statistics empirically demonstrate it to be true1, with Idaho having literally the highest incarceration rates in the world! Honest police officers here in Idaho likewise admit it.

Otherwise, we will see that corrupt and abusive law enforcement will be the tool used by equally corrupt and abusive politicians to take away our rights. We already saw this in Idaho and across our country where Pastors and churchgoers were arrested for having church, mothers were arrested for going to the park, and hundreds of innocent citizens were likewise abused, having their Constitutional rights violated—all by police officers.
But please don’t fall for the false dichotomy that is pushed by the fake news media machine—which says that if you point out these realities and talk about corruption and abuse by SOME police officers that it means you HATE ALL cops. That is ridiculous. I can honor, support, and respect the police, while simultaneously denouncing corruption and abuse by SOME cops and likewise point out the corruption and failures that exist in the system itself.
As a candidate for Governor, I have proposed specific means by which we can solve these problems and have a healthy, respectful, and honorable police force, which we can all be proud of, without waste, fraud, or abuse.
You can watch my video about law enforcement below to further understand my clarified position regarding law enforcement: References:
1. Idaho has the highest incarceration rates in the world.
2. Idaho has highest percentage nationally of people in prison.
3. You asked: Who does Idaho send to prison? And what if we sent fewer people? - Shows that 75% of Idaho prisoners are non-violent offenders.
4. Idaho can't hold all its prisoners. It may spend $500 million to change that.
5. Idaho ranks #1 in prison admissions, prison population, jail pretrial population, and #1 overall in total incarceration.
6. Idaho has 6th-highest growth rate for corrections spending over last 25 years.
LIE: Ammon is in favor of open borders.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-is-in-favor-of-open-bordersI have never stated that I am in favor of "open borders" and I am not in favor of it as it is commonly portrayed. I have, however, stated that I don't believe that EVERYONE who is crossing the border is necessarily a bad person. There are plenty of people coming across simply because they want a better life for their family.
I have also plainly stated and will continue to reinforce my belief that the real problem is not immigration, but welfare! We should not be incentivizing people to come to this country in order to get freebies. Likewise, if honest, hard-working individuals want to come to our country, then we should make a simple and legal path of migration available to them.
Interestingly enough, most people agree with me, but the media again creates a FALSE DICHOTOMY and gullible people fall for it. Just because you point out that not all immigrants are criminals, it doesn't mean you are in favor of "open borders."
Likewise, if you pronounce and declare that SOME immigrants who cross the border are criminals and are crossing for nefarious purposes, that doesn't make you a racist or a xenophobe.
LIE: Ammon is an "anti-government" activist.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-is-an-anti-government-activistI am not anti-government. In fact, my faith teaches me that government is given to us from a higher authority and its purpose is to protect people's rights which come from God Himself. I agree with the founding fathers of America in regards to how they viewed the role of government.
However, I do not support government overreach nor any open, plain, or obvious corruption in government. That's it. So it's this simple—I believe in the righteous and proper role of government, and I denounce and oppose any unrighteousness or corruption in government. It is that simple.
What about you? Do you agree with my position or do you support all actions taken by government, no matter what?
LIE: Ammon is a dangerous right-wing "extremist".
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-is-a-dangerous-right-wing-extremistThe left and the Republican establishment must be afraid of me for some reason in order for them to resort to such ad hominem attacks which have no basis in reality. What is "extreme" anyway?
We live in a generation where calling a man a man and a woman a woman is an "extreme" position and is even considered "hate speech."
Sorry, but I just don't ride with all of this nonsense. It's too ridiculous to even warrant a response from me.
Gregg Pruett wrote an excellent article on this subject that I suggest you read.
LIE: Ammon creates mayhem just for political attention.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-creates-mayhem-just-for-political-attentionI have never asked for the limelight. And even now, I don't like it nor do I want it. Believe me, I'd rather be home with my family, on the ranch, enjoying nature and living peacefully.
I was unfortunately thrust into the public eye simply because I stood with my family to defend our rights and specifically to defend our land that the Federal Government was trying to steal from us.
Thankfully, thousands of American Patriots came out to support us. And the result of those experiences put a fire in me to fight for liberty and justice ever since.
I personally do not want any attention, politically or otherwise, but I cannot reject the fire God has put in me to expose corruption and preserve liberty.
LIE: Ammon led an armed insurrection against the government in Oregon.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-led-an-armed-insurrection-against-the-government-in-oregonThis is a complete mischaracterization of the facts of what took place at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon and I have completely addressed the issue in this video here.
LIE: Ammon got arrested at the Capitol for trespassing on State property.
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votebundy.com/about/lies-and-smears/?ammon-got-arrested-at-the-capitol-for-trespassing-on-state-propertyThis is another mischaracterization by the press and by Idaho State officials to cover up the fact that they abused their power and broke State Law.
I simply did not "trespass" at the State Capitol, nor could I be legally "trespassed" for being at the State Capitol, a public building, during public hours, in a public room, during a legislative session which is a Constitutionally protected right for the people of Idaho.
I have published the entire case, including all legal documents so you can determine for yourself if I broke any laws, created any mayhem, or am guilty of "antics" at the State Capitol.
Click here to read the true story of the Idaho State Capitol Arrests.

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