Press Releases
October 25th, 2022
Idaho Will Help Liberals Move Out, It's Cheaper than Keeping Them Here
As governor, I will diminish the socialist welfare programs of the state of Idaho and push the responsibility of charitable services back to the local community, churches, and family, where it belongs.
October 24th, 2022
The Government is Anti-You!
Bringing the power of government back to the people will improve every Idahoan's life while maintaining the ability for government officials to perform their authorized duties in defending against those that take life, liberty and property.
October 20th, 2022
Ammon Bundy Will Pardon All Covid Convictions
As governor, my pardoning pen will be RED HOT! As the head of the Executive Branch, I intend to check and balance the corruption and political bias of the Judicial Branch.
October 13th, 2022
The Woke Cult has No Place in Idaho
Our sacred freedoms and values are under attack in this country and especially in Idaho!
October 11th, 2022
Day 1: Killing the Unborn Will End
There is a war being waged on the most vulnerable and helpless people in our society: the unborn.
October 4th, 2022
Children Deserve Our Protection
The sexualization of our children across America must come to an end! In the past decade we have seen an extreme escalation of adults using children to express their own sexuality.
September 20th, 2022
Governor Little Refuses to Participate in a Public Debate
Sunlight is always the best disinfectant. Refusing to debate in a gubernatorial race is a significant disservice to the wonderful people of this great state.
August 23rd, 2022
Campaign Rally Location Cancelled by Boise Mayor and Officials
Boise City’s recent park cancellation of the Ammon Bundy for Governor Keep Idaho IDAHO Rally once again highlights the attitude of discrimination of Mayor McLean and Boise City officials.
August 11th, 2022
Response to FBI Raid on President Trump's Mar-a-Lago Home
No person is safe in this country with men and women controlling judicial power without moral boundaries. FBI agents have demonstrated over and over that they are no longer capable of…
April 7th, 2022
Ammon Bundy Put In Jail
The Idaho court system has again put on display for the whole world to see its absurd level of corruption, incompetence, and malpractice, as Ammon Bundy was actually taken to jail today on charges of contempt…
March 8th, 2022
3 Reasons I Left the Republican Party to Run as an Independent
A few weeks ago, on February 17th, 2022, I made the announcement that I would be leaving the Republican Party and running as an independent candidate for Governor of Idaho…
March 7th, 2022
Petition Signature Requirement Exceeded, Ballot Access Official
In a short period of time we have gathered the signatures required to give the people of Idaho a choice for liberty for governor on the ballot in November.
February 17th, 2022
Talk Show Misinformation, Republican Filth and Independent Candidacy
Ammon Bundy's statement on radio talk show host's misinformation, filth of Idaho Republican Party leaders and his running as an independent candidate.
February 15th, 2022
Ammon Bundy Wins KIDO Commissioned Poll
At the beginning of the New Year (2022) Kevin Miller with KIDO commissioned a poll asking, "Who Will Win Idaho's Republican Nomination for Governor". Here are the results…
January 10th, 2022
Republican Leaders Back Down
Just a few days ago we alerted the people of Idaho about a threat to their freedom coming from the party bosses at the Idaho GOP…
January 5th, 2022
Idaho Republican Leaders Vote to Restrict Candidates from Running for Office
It has come to my attention that the Idaho Republican Party (GOP) leaders will be voting on a rule change this Friday and Saturday, requiring any person wanting to run in the Republican Primary to first receive approval from the party bosses…
November 9th, 2021
Ron Paul Endorses Ammon Bundy for Idaho Governor
I am honored to receive the endorsement of Ron Paul for my candidacy to be governor of the state of Idaho. Ron Paul is a living legend and an icon for conservative values and Constitutional purity…
November 9th, 2021
Ammon Bundy's Statement on Endorsements from Idaho Politicians
Ammon is not seeking nor is he interested in the support of Idaho politicians. It is sad and unfortunate, but Idaho politicians are who put us in the mess we are in right now…
October 27th, 2021
Freedom Stand USA and Self Defense
As many of you are aware, every person found constitutionally bearing arms at the Charlie Kirk FreedomStand USA event last night, October 26, 2021, was turned away…
October 22nd, 2021
Ammon Bundy's Statement on Debates
From the beginning of my campaign, I have made it clear that my goal is to advance the cause of freedom and liberty and to put an end to the socialist tyrannical government that is currently controlling Idaho…
October 17th, 2021
Roger Stone Endorses Ammon Bundy
I am pleased to announce that Roger Stone has endorsed me for Governor of Idaho. Roger has been an effective advisor to many leaders in our country including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and his longtime friend Donald J. Trump…
September 23rd, 2021
Ammon Bundy’s official statement on his Trespassing Charge Appeal
My attorneys have advised me many times that they believe this case would be overturned in a higher court. This is part of a letter that I received from my attorneys that has caused me to reconsider…
September 10th, 2021
Official Statement from Ammon Bundy about Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Joe Biden seems to think he has the authority over your body to mandate this Covid-19 vaccine. There is no greater form of oppression and authoritarianism than when government takes control over your body. This is absolute tyranny at its highest level…
July 28th, 2021
Ammon Bundy’s official statement about the re-escalation of COVID mandates
As you may have heard, the CDC is recommending that all student K-12 wear a mask again this year. Vaccinated or not. The madness continues…
July 10th, 2021
Statement on Hospitals in Idaho forcing their employees on get the COVID Vaccine
All the hospital employees that do not want to get the vaccine should refuse to take it and use the religious or medical exemptions already available to them—and keep the government out of it! If the government can force one way then it can force the other way as well…
July 1st, 2021
Official Statement from Ammon Bundy Regarding Trespassing
Today I was convicted of trespassing at the Idaho Capitol Building on August 25, 2020. After a 4 day trial the jury decided that my presence in the Lincoln Auditorium, during open hours, was a criminal act…
June 19th, 2021
Ammon Bundy Announces Candidacy for Governor
Ammon Bundy has officially declared his candidacy for Governor of the state of Idaho…

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Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan

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