Ammon Bundy for Governor
The Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan

Read Through the Entire Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan

As you read through the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan, I hope you will contemplate your life. How it may improve. How you may be more content, more prosperous and have more free time. How you may be able to bless other people's lives with your extra prosperity and personal time. Think about what brings you happiness and prosperity now. Your family? Your employment? Your endeavors? Maybe just simply knowing you are secure and have a future with opportunities? Any plan proposed by those in government should be scrutinized and balanced with the everyday lives of those who it would affect. This plan has been developed over a seven-year period and is designed to foster prosperity, peace, security, freedom and ultimately happiness to the People of Idaho.

Built upon lasting principles, the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan will assist in bringing about a culture of liberty and property in Idaho that will rival early America. These principles include the understanding that God created man and woman and gave them certain unalienable rights. These rights include life, liberty and conscience to choose and to pursue happiness. That God created the earth and everything in it FOR mankind, and that men and women are to USE and replenish the natural resources, including land, plants and animals. That men and women created government as a tool to secure the rights God has given them. That there is no other moral purpose for government other than to equally defend the endowed rights that belong to every man and woman.

So, you can be confident that what I am proposing in the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan is correct and lawful, I offer you this evidence...    CONTINUE READING

The Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan

Note: Click on any Subsection title to expand or contract that section... or read them all.

I Eliminating Immoral Taxes
1. Elimination of Property Tax
2. Eliminating Personal Income Tax
3. Eliminating Personal Property Tax
4. Taxes Only Collected Through Consumption
II Economic Growth Plan
5. Taking Back Idaho's Land
6. Solving the Affordable Housing Crisis
7. Health Freedom and Body Autonomy
8. Making Idaho a Financial Freedom State
9. Recognition and Acceptance of Prominent Cryptocurrencies by the State
III Exalting Justice
10. Restoration and Restitution Laws
11. Empowering Communities to End Drug Abuse
12. Empowering Police to Act According to their Conscience
13. Eliminating Civil Asset Forfeiture
14. Ending Cronyism and Corruption
IV Social Prosperity
15. Executive Order to End Abortion
16. Education Freedom
17. Gun Rights and Defense of the 2nd Amendment
18. Idaho State Healthcare Exchange (Obamacare)
19. Parental Rights
20. Ending Welfare
V Maximizing Government Efficiency
21. Elimination of State Licensure
22. Changing the Culture of Government
23. Using Blockchain Technology for State Interactions

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